Off the wheel : An exploration of thrown and altered forms with Kowkie Durst

Workshop with Kowkie Durst

Join us for a demonstration workshop with ceramic artist Kowkie Durst. During this workshop, Kowkie will demonstrate his techniques of throwing a teapot, constructing a butter dish, and altering thrown forms off the wheel. Students will be shown these different processes and afterward, create work under the instructor’s guidance. Students will learn how to throw and alter a teapot and butter dish.

In addition, Kowkie will also be showing his hands-on technique of surface treatment, exploring sgraffito and inlay methods using terra sigillata. Students will also have the opportunity to practice surface techniques on finished forms. Ceramic pieces for this section will be provided, however, students are also welcome to bring their own un-fired (dry greenware) items to the studio workshop on Saturday.

Kowkie Durst is a potter and ceramics instructor who lives and works in Portland, Oregon. He lives on an urban farmette, where he’s built his studio and atmospheric kiln, grows food, and keeps chickens. Kowkie had an early interest in archeology and material culture that is reflected in his pottery in the inspiration he takes from historical ceramic works.  On the surface of his work, Kowkie uses playful carvings to attempt to investigate contemporary social and political issues.

Kowkie earned an MFA in Ceramics at Penn State University and BA from Tulane University. He was resident of the Archie Bray Foundation in Montana before moving to Portland.  He teaches Ceramics at Portland Community College and the University of Portland.


Friday, June 21

10:00 -12:00 – Demonstration of throwing techniques for starting an altered teapot and butter dish.

12:00 -13:00 – Under the instructor’s guidance, students will use the pottery wheel to begin an altered teapot and/or butter dish.

13:00 – 14:00 – Lunch break

14:00 – 15:30 – Kowkie will demonstrate the use of slab building techniques used to complete a butter dish, followed by a demonstration of thrown coiling technique to complete a teapot top

15:30 – 17:00 — With instructor guidance, students will use the techniques learned to finish the altered teapot and/or butter dish.

Saturday, June 22

10:00 – 11:30 – Demonstration of assembling parts for the altered teapot and completing butter dish.

11:30 – 13:00 – With instructor guidance, students will complete their altered teapot and/or butter dish.

13:00 -14:00 – Kowkie will demonstrate his surface decoration techniques of both sgraffito and inlay using terra sigillata.

Finishing of items

Items that are created during the workshop can be fired at Clayground studio at a small extra cost. Please inform us if you wish for us to glaze and fire your pieces. We can arrange for collection or shipment of items to you once they are ready.


Cancellations must be made at least 14 days before the course starts for a 50% refund. No refunds will be given when cancellations are made after this date.

Students must attend all SCHEDULED class times. As this is a one-off workshop, if a student misses a session, NO MAKE-UP CLASSES can be offered.


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